Do They Eat Tacos in Spain?

Tacos are a popular food in Mexico and across the border in Texas. Do they also eat tacos in Spain? Tacos are also being eaten in Spain. But there are regional variations.

In the north, they eat a taco called a torta. It is a soft, white corn tortilla that is filled with meat, vegetables, or cheese and then wrapped in maize dough.

In the south of Spain, tacos are more common and are usually made with beef or chicken. They also vary in size, with some being smaller than others.

The History of Tacos

The history of tacos is a bit murky, but it seems that they may have originated in Mexico. There are many different theories about their origins, but the most popular one is that they were invented by a chef named Don Juan Manuel de la Cueva y Valdez. He is said to have created them during the Mexican Revolution in the 1920s.

Some believe that tacos were originally made with maize dough and served as a type of bread. Others say that they were filled with meat and served as snacks or street food.

Whatever their origins, tacos are now a popular food all over the world. In Spain, they are especially popular in areas like Andalusia and Valencia where there is a heavy concentration of Mexican immigrants.

What is the Difference Between Mexican and Spanish Tacos?

There is a big difference between Mexican and Spanish tacos. Mexican tacos are made with corn tortillas and are usually filled with meat, cheese, or vegetables. Spanish tacos, on the other hand, are made with wheat tortillas and are more commonly filled with chicken or beef.

There are also a lot of different types of Spanish tacos, including the chorizo taco, the pollo taco, and the al pastor taco.

I would say that tacos are more common in Spain than in Mexico, but they vary in style and filling. They are usually made with wheat tortillas and are filled with chicken, beef, or pork.

How Are Tacos Eaten in Spain?

Tacos are usually eaten with your hands. You can eat them as is, or you can add some of the traditional Spanish toppings like sour cream, guacamole, or salsa.

What is the Best Taco Spot in Barcelona?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. It depends on your taste and preferences. Some of the best taco spots in Barcelona include La Casa del Taco, El Colmado and Los Tacos Dorados.


Whether you’re visiting Mexico or Spain, tacos are a must-have food. Whether you’re eating them out or at home, make sure you try some of the best spots for tacos!